lørdag den 28. april 2012

Tina Dickow

Hi all. So today I'm going to Viborg, where Helena lives, and I'm actually looking very much forward to it! I really miss her...
But in this post, I would like to tell you about an artist, that I love very much. Her name is Tina Dickow, and she's both a singer, but also a producer, and songwriter. She has this amazing, unique voice, and I fell in love with her the first time, I heard her sing. Her most known song is called "Wide open", but personally I like the song "Goldhawk Road" the most. 
Seriously check her out!

BTW this is where I'm going this summerholiday;-) --> 

torsdag den 26. april 2012


Hello! I'm having exams right now, so I won't write that much. I hope you'll survive;) 

So..since my last post I've been doing a couple of things. My class and I have been taking fotos, and I've been out shopping. Here is some pictures, of the things I bought: 
Shoes from a danish brand called vagabond: www.vagabond.com check it out!
Cheap Monday jeans!
Tight Od Almost Black
A flower shirt from H&M
Shirt with snakeprint from H&M

onsdag den 25. april 2012

Final exam

Well hello there everybody! God it's been a long time since I last wrote... Sorry... But I've been sooooo busy, BUT today we got to know which subjects, we're going to have at the final exam! I was so afraid to get German (not because there's anything wrong with it, it's just because, I suck at German), but either way, I got geography and social studies. I'm actually really glad, that these were the two subjects that I've got. 
But to apologize for the next couple of months, I don't think, I'm gonna have time to write so much, because I have so many exams, so beforehand I'm truly sorry, but wish me luck!

Today (for the first time) I actually manged to make my own dinner. I was so proud! I made omelet. A very easy and tastefull dish:-) 

My omelet and I:-))))
Here's a picture, so you'll believe me! 

And at last I wish one of my dearest friends, Victoria, a very happy birthday! I love you very much! Hope you enjoyed our company today<3

lørdag den 21. april 2012

Nail polish

Hey guys!! I love nail polish but who doesn't? There are many different kinds of nail polish. I use nail polish from essey, depend and if I had the money, I would buy all from Sally Hansen and O.P.I. I think red is a great colour to put on your nails. Red is also one of the colours, I use the most. I have two favourite colours from essie: After sex;) and mint candy apple<3  
After Sex - Essie
Mint Candy Apple - Essie


Yo! So today I was at a meeting with STS. STS is the organization, that I'm going to England with. It was very exciting, and I got to meet a few of the people, that is going the same place as I. They all seemed very nice, so now I'm looking even more forward to it:-)
I also got a new haircut today, and uhmmmmmm, it's deffinately different... Take a look: 

torsdag den 19. april 2012


Hi everybody. So today at school, we were told, that an instructor was coming to our school to look at some of us, at then pick some out, and the cast them to a new movie. Of course it was exciting, but still a bit embarrassing. When he came in, he told a bit about the movie, and then he asked if anyone would like to go with him. Victoria, Olivia, Frederikke and I said yes, and now we have to wait three weeks till we know, if we're in the movie:-)
To be honest I don't think it's going to be me. My friend Olivia did an amazing job, so I hope for her, that she's going to get picked:-)

Hope you all had a lovely day!

tirsdag den 17. april 2012

Enjoy life

So after a very nice day, I'm sitting on my balcony, listening to music and just thinking about a very special person<3

Remember to make everyday special:-)

A bit cold...


Hey guys! So today, two of my very good friends from school made a video of all us people in the class, and I laugh my ass off, when I saw it! Seriously it's hilarious!!! So here's the link;-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j6msu6KyqE

So today I'm hanging out with my good friend Sasha:-)))))

Hope you all have a very nice day!
P.S. Watch this photo;-) Hahahahahahahahaha

søndag den 15. april 2012

Sit down and listen!

Sit down and listen to this song! This song is amazing;)


What's up. So today I'm going to an event called "Modemekka", with my friend Simone. I actually don't know what the concept is, but I'm looking forward to it. 
Even though I love fashion, I not the kind of person, who watch the newest collection from Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Stella Mccartney and so on. 
Often I find a piece of clothing, that I like, and then I'll buy it. 
To be honest, I don't care, what kind of brand it is:)

lørdag den 14. april 2012

Sorry for party rocking!

Hi everybody! So last night we were at a party, and woooooowww it was awesome. We met some really nice people, but today we're a bit tired. 
At lunchtime we're going to the city to eat:)
Hope you had a great night too!

fredag den 13. april 2012


Heyy guys! So today Helena and I are going to a party, and I'm really in a party  mood, so hopefully it's going to be a good night:-) 
I just wanted to show you, what I'm going to wear tonight, hope you'll like it;-)
The top is from Gina Tricot, and the pants is from Dr. Denim
Hope you all have a very good weekend!

torsdag den 12. april 2012

Ugly Betty

Hey;) I saw Julie's post about her favourite show, and I have to admit, that I'm going to steal her idea. My favourite tv show is Ugly Betty. Ugly Betty is a story about a girl called Betty. She wants to work on a magasin and ends up working for a fashionmagasin called Mode. Betty doesn't really fit in and she has to fight for her job and her loved ones too.
The chef of  Mode Daniel Meade(Eric Mabius) He's hot too;)

Ugly Betty in the tv-show
America Ferrera & Ryan Piers Williams Tie the Knot!
Ugly Betty(America Ferrera) in real life

tirsdag den 10. april 2012


Hey everybody! So this is the first time I'm writing in English in here, so don't jugde! So I visited the doctor today, and I've got inflammation in my foot, so I can't play badminton in a while.. So right now I'm really bumbed.. 
BUT enough about that. What I wanted to tell you about was my favorite TV-show, and some of you might already guessed it, but it's One Tree Hill. I LOVE IT!!!!!!! I've seen till the eighth season, and I'm looking forward to buying the final season. 
For all you who doesn't know the show, I can only recommend you all to watch it! 
My favorite character is Lucas Eugene Scott (the main character until the sixth season, played by Chad Michael Murray), because I think he's very good at expressing himself, and then of course because he's hot! 
My favorite episode is called: With tired eyes, tired minds, tired souls, we slept. 
In this episode their school gets "attacked" by a student with a gun, and I actually cried at a point in this episode! Watch it!

My selection

Lucas Eugene Scott<3

From the top to the left: Haley, Lucas, Peyton, Brooke, Mouth, Nathan, Skills and Rachel

mandag den 9. april 2012

Cheap Monday

Hey<3 I just want you to check a brand called Cheap Monday. In Denmark it's a very well known and cool brand(especially their jeans), so you may already know it. Julie and I are going to a party next friday, and we are both very excited about it. I haven't got any clothes to wear, so I'm going to town to find some. I think, I'll end up buying a pair of jeans (skinny and darkblue from Cheap Monday) and a cute top.
 Tight Original Unwash
Skinny jeans(name: Tight Original  Unwash)
 Second Skin Very Stretch Onewash
High waist darkblue(name: Second Skin Very Stretch One Wash) 
 Second Skin Dark Blue Denim
High waist (got them already;))(name:  Second Skin  Dark Blue Denim)
Cheap Monday's website: http://www.cheapmonday.com

Language change

Hey guys! 
Julie and I think it's time for us to write some of our posts in English. Many of you who read our blog is from America, Russia and Germany. Julie and I will from today write some of our posts in English and some of our posts in Danish so everyone can understand us. There might be some mistakes, but we hope you'll understand us anyways. 


Greetings! Da jeg flyttede til Århus, skulle jeg jo have et nyt værelse. Jeg er en kæmpe fan af små nipse ting, og det sker næsten altid, at jeg kommer til at have for mange underlige ting inde på mit værelse, som slet ikke passer. 
Jeg har så her på det seneste prøvet på at holde mit værelse meget simpelt, men der er en ting, som jeg ikke kan undvære inde på mit værelse, og det er mine billeder! Jeg har lidt en svaghed for gamle rammer, men jeg har selvfølgelig også selv købt nogle nye:-)
Så her kommer der lige nogle billeder af de billeder og billedrammer, som jeg har stående inde på mit værelse: 
Intet billede (egen ramme) 
Marilyn Monroe (ramme fra Tiger)

The Eye lavet af Helena (ramme fra Tiger)

Mine bedsteforældres bryllupsbillede + et billede af min far som lille (egen ramme)

Min søster (Kristina) og jeg (egen ramme)

New York City (ramme fra Tiger)

Min veninde (Line) og jeg (egen ramme)

Quote (Isn't she lovely) (egen ramme)

Min bror (Rasmus) og jeg (egen ramme)

Twiggy (ramme fra Søstrene Grene)

søndag den 8. april 2012

5 ting man kan lave på en kedelig søndag...

Hallo alle sammen! Alle har nok oplevet en kedelig søndag.. Det har jeg i hvert fald:-)) Derfor vil jeg nu komme med en liste over 5 ting, man kan lave, når man   keder sig. 

  1. Se en film (Se ofte en komedie eller en romantisk film;-)) 
  2. Ryd op på dit værelse (sorter i dit tøj, det tager sikkert lang tid) 
  3. Ring til en eller flere veninder og inviter dem over til en kop te.
  4. Bag en kage (ALTID godt!)
  5. Hvis vejret er til det så sæt dig udenfor og nyd solen!
For mit vedkommende skal jeg i dag hænge lidt ud med min gode veninde Simone.

Fortsat god søndag;-)

fredag den 6. april 2012

Ringe med stort R!

Hej igen;) 
Jeg synes ikke, der var plads til mere på det sidste indlæg, så det her indlæg er en forlængelse af det sidste. Ligesom jeg har en passion for skjorter, elsker jeg også ringe, så jeg skal selvfølgelig også have en ring på idag;) Jeg regner med at vælge ringene fra søstrene grene. Nogle gange har jeg mange på af gangen. Andre gange har jeg en stor på. Ringe behøver ikke nødvendigvis at sidde på ringefingeren. Køb en masse billige ringe fra H&M, Pieces, Gina Tricot eller lignende. Hvis den ring, du gerne vil have, ikke lige passer på ringefingeren så køb den alligevel. Der er rimelig stor chance for, at 
den så bare passer på en anden finger. Her er nogle billeder af mine ringe.

Ring med ur: fra Barcalona, ring med sort blomst: gave fra Camilla(lillesøster), de fire inderste ringe på langefingeren: fra søstrene grene, den yderste ring på lange fingeren: fra min veninde Leah og uglering: fra skoforretningen Dope:) 

Den lille hjertering på lillefingeren: dåbsring, ringe på ringfingeren: alle fra spinning, den guld sløjfering: fra Polen, den inderste ring på pegefingeren: gave fra Camilla(søster), de to yderste på pegefingeren: fået af mor og ring på tommelfingeren: fået af mor.

Dagens Outfit!

Hey!! Jeg håber, I har en helt fantastisk påskeferie. Jeg har været vidt omkring i Nordjylland men er nu tilbage i Viborg. Idag skal jeg så ind at se The Hunger Games med min søster Camilla på 14 år. Tror den er sindsyg god!!!

Nu vil jeg vise jer nogle billeder af mit outfit idag. Jeg har taget to skjorter på idag og synes egentlig, det fungerer meget godt. Den hvide er en gammel sag fra h&m, og den anden er fra ichi og er også sindsygt gammel. På det ene billede har jeg bare ben, men der er ikke så godt vejr lige for tiden så tog nogle grå strømpebukser på indenunder.
Outfit med strømpebukser
Outfit med bare ben

Ærme foldet

onsdag den 4. april 2012

Hjemme fra København!

What's up guys?! Så er jeg hjemme fra KBH, og seriøst jeg æææælsker det!!! Var på Christiania i dag... det er.... anderledes.... Ejjj jeg synes, det er fedt;-) 
Nååå men jeg fik brugt en del penge... Men det endte, med at jeg købte en top fra Abercrombie & Fitch, en top fra Gina Tricot og en cupcake (dark chocolate mums...)

Forresten lyt lige til det her nummer: København - Ulige Numre

mandag den 2. april 2012

København tur...

Hallo alle! Har været lidt små syg i dag:-(( Meen jeg er selvfølgelig frisk til at tage til Kbh i morgen;-) 
Jeg tænkte på at vise jer lidt af de ting, som jeg regner med at købe derovre. 

Hættetrøje: Abercrombie and Fitch
Cupcake: Agnes Cupcakes
Neglelak: Essie Mint candy apple
Sko: New Balance 420 

Min gode veninde Simone viste mig en hjemmeside, som jeg synes er helt vildt god! Den har en masse billeder med en masse forskellige ting. Synes I skulle tjekke den ud;-) 

søndag den 1. april 2012

Back in Aarhus!

Hejj blogger! Så er jeg tilbage i Aarhus:-)))) Det har været en rigtig hyggelig weekend med Helena. Jeg savner hende allerede...
Men min påskeferie står på; København med min gode veninde Sif, påskefrokost med famiglia, og så skal jeg måske i sommerhus med min dejlige Aarhus veninde Simone! Glæder mig!!!! 

Helena er forresten i sommerhus med nogle veninder, så der kommer nok ikke nogle indlæg fra hende her de næste par dage:-)

For at slutte af på en god dag vil jeg sidde og savle over ham her; 
