onsdag den 23. maj 2012

Finally summer came and finally gratuation came.

Hey guys! These last few days, the weather has been amazing!!! First I was at the beach with my friend Victoria, uhm but the water was a bit cold, but I went in! :-)
Yesterday I was just at home, enjoying the great weather, and today the same ;-)
It's really amazing! 
This weekend I'm going to Germany to buy candy for my last school day, together with my friend Simone, and then I'm going to prepaire for my english exam. I'm actually a bit nervous about :-S 
In Denmark, when every 9th graders, have last school day, they dress up in costumes and through candy to the smaller kids, at their school, and finally it's my turn to gratuate. I'm going to be a party rocker (you know like LMFAO). I've got my friend Pauline's mom to paint my shoes, so in the beginning they were white, but now they've got zebra print and on one of the shoes it says "Party" and on the other "Rock". I'm looking soooooo much forward to it!! I'm going to have a blast! :-) 

So here at last I'd like to recommend a singer called Joe Brooks. It's was actually Helena that showed him to me (if you haven't noticed Helena has a great taste in music!) 
My favourite song, that he has made is Superman. 

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